2024 Inspire Awards - Call for Entries

The entry period for the 2024 Inspire Awards is now open!

The final deadline for submission and payments of awards is Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET

The InSpire Awards honor our region’s most successful and innovative communications programs from the past year. Communications professionals from agencies, corporate shops, nonprofits, associations, and government offices, as well as solo practitioners across our area produced outstanding work and achieved fantastic results throughout 2023.

We model our awards program on PRSA’s Silver and Bronze Anvil Awards, which makes it even easier to enter both. With subcategories for Silver and Bronze Awards, there’s an award opportunity for every budget, project, and team.

When the judging is complete and winners selected, we invite you to celebrate with us at the 2024 Annual Conference in November. Look for details soon.

The InSpire Awards gives you a chance to shine.
Enter today for the chance to get the recognition your hard work deserves. If you have any questions, contact Matt Lail collards12@yahoo.com or Kalyca Becktel kbeckte@ncsu.edu .

Thank you and good luck!

Matt Lail, Awards Chair
Kalyca Becktel, Awards Co-Chair


2024 InSpire Awards: Rules and Eligibility

Silver Award Categories

Bronze Award Categories